Competition: Architecture, Pandemics & Resilience | EAHR | Copenhague, Denmark
AUTHOR: Percibald García
COMPETITION: Architecture, pandemics & resilience
NGO: EAHR Emergency Architecture and Human Rights
DATE: March 2020
PRIZE: 2nd Place
CONSULTATION LINK: https://issuu.com/percibald.garcia/docs/percibald_garci_a_disobey_to_survive
In March 2020, Emergency Architecture & Human Rights (EAHR), an NGO located in Copenhague, made an Open Call to propose ideas about how social spaces could be adapted during the pandemics, to construct community resilience.
My proposal was a graphic narrative that exposes the pandemic as a scenario where all the terrible social injustices in Mexico and the world were exhibited. Facing a scenario where authorities asked social distancing, continuous hand washing, and having a healthy way of eating, Mexico made evident how more than 50% of the population who live under the line of extreme poverty couldn't follow this advice because they lack access to basic human rights such as housing, water, and health care. Instead of focusing the discussion on building better opportunities for the population, authorities criminalized the people who couldn't stay at home because of necessity and social inequity.
The comic narrates a Mixe (native culture of Oaxaca State), that speaks about the necessity to go back to build communitarian spaces and not isolate.