The Architect's Studio: Tatiana Bilbao ESTUDIO
Louisiana Museum of Modern Art
As part of Tatiana Bilbao ESTUDIO's exhibition at the Louisiana Museum of Modern Art (Copenhague), part of the results of the community participatory design process done along with the children of San Simón El Alto, a community heavily affected by the 2017 earthquakes in central Mexico.
A few models and three collective collages were exposed to show the importance of participation inside the production and reconstruction of healthier habitats.

1st and 2nd Collages
They represent the way children explain the origin of earthquakes and the way the 2017 one destiyed its town. At the bottom the tectonic plates can be appreciated, along with the gian snake God "Tlan", who moves the earth to make people remember they must cooperate and be kind.

3rd Collage
After the disaster children had the opportunity to stay in the trauma or see the situation as an opportunity to re-imagine their town. This collage its a representation of all the spaces they want for the reconstruction to have: a hospital for humans and animals, a reforested forest, a university, a community garden, and houses for everyone.
This participation is the result of a 3-year collaboration with Tatiana Bilbao ESTUDIO, on a participatory reconstruction project with the Comunity of San Simón el Alto.